What Do You Can Do If You Feel Sad From Something?

If you feel sad from something go rapidly to Allah and tell him what is problem and for sure you will found the solution on his door so, please don’t be upset and distressed so, try to said in your secret "Pardon God" "Pardon God" "Pardon God". Otherwise remind yourself by the qurannic verse that Allah hostel it in the Quran (لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله ) and In the Consecrate book أما أنا، فرجائي منوط بالسماء سفر المكابيين ال...ثاني9 :20 ) ")
أما الآن فيثبت الإيمان والرجاء والمحبة هذه الثلاثة ولكن أعظمهن المحبة رسالة بولس الرسول الأولى إلى أهل كورنثوس 13:13)

Remark: the qurannic verse that Allah hostel it in the Quran (لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله) That’s mean that Allah required from people who insures a small request "Don’t be despair from Allah mercy

Another Remark:The aim of this story is to see if you inequity someone or not ?
And if you inequity someone please make this supplication
اللهم لا إله إﻻ أنت سبحانك إني كنت الظالمين



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