To encourage for new thing to be spread around the world

You must know few things if you would to earn profit first of all the (Vision and Mission) of this thing, remind yourself all the time that the vision is the big dream of anything from its characteristics determine on the long term. While the mission must be specific to the point should be short statement. And if you are good marketer it will be better when you change your mission from time to another. For example:-the mission of your facebook page:-(funny and attractive way in writing).The target all ages basically))youth and their popular language). Segments the ages can be divided into two parts first  part will be the (Teenagers) the second part will be the (Adults).Finally the important question is:- how to increase and encourage the audience to enter your page you can send them private massage (The message content is decent for all ages) or you can share your page on friends timeline

Short note :- you forget to tell your audience about your competitive advantage oh my dear audience I'm sorry my competitive advantage is that(I'm use the two languages the Arabic and the English )      


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