You Must Choose The Suitable Time For Paying Money

In this days there are very influence wisdom which is (Money talks) i hope from people to think for a few minutes about very important question. *what can money do for for me when i diy* of course anything.There fore i don't know why love to gain alot of money.In my opinion if money become more it is define as grasping,so i hope from people to choose the suitable time in paying money because if people pay money more than their ability it is forbidden and also love of money may change human being from inside.There fore Allah hostel qurannic verse
The two types of people are
1-people who love money 2-people who pay more money
ويحبون المال حبا جما سورة الفجر. أن المبذرين كانوا أخوان الشياطين سورة اﻹسراء


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