Human being What Can You Do if Your Heart Can't Obtain Anything?

Prevention any loses and prevention declining down when you dealing with people in something wrong. So, till your heart wash itself, and in the very difficult circumstances if this couldn’t happen so, in this circumstance you can snatch your heart from your foreside till this operation happened you have to prevent all people and try to stand for awhile and ask yourself "Where are the right from the wrong" If you found an answer on this question. You can deal easily with people. Propitiation oh Human being remember that Allah said in the quran > يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم < That’s mean that one day will come without any avail from money and sons accept who come to Allah with whole heart. Propitiation oh people wish the charity together



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